Important note about the horn: The provided horn is so small that a 3D printer cannot actually print proper splines to the horn, therefore we use a hydraulic press machine to imprint the splines on each horn. The horn is designed to be a tight fit and will take a good bit of force to slide onto the servo spline. Light tapping with a small mallet, hammer, or tool may be required in some cases, and once it is seated on the spline it can be fully drawn down using the provided servo horn set screw.
AJCMods 3D Printed Servo Horn (20 tooth) for the Stock Spektrum SX107 Servo that comes with the Mini-T 2.0 and Mini-B 2.0. This eliminates the unreliable and sloppy servo saver for better handling, especially useful at the race track! Note that without a servo saver you stand a much higher chance of stripping your servo gears, but in return you will notice much better handling and sharper steering.