AJCMods 3D Printed 8mm hex to 12mm hex conversion kit for the Mini-T 2.0 & Mini-B 2.0! These allow you to fit 1/14, 1/12, and even 1/10 scale tires on your mini! Note running larger tires will heat your motor quicker and cause more wear/tear on drivetrain and suspension components, so use with caution.
Pro Tip: Every kit includes (4) wheel hexes that slip over the existing 8mm wheel hubs, up-sizing it to 12mm. The Mini-T wheel nut and spindle are often too small for larger wheels, and/or the threaded portion of the Mini-T spindle is too short. To remedy these issues we include a variety of washers and spacers to optimize fitment of the aftermarket wheels, these pieces can act both as washers and as external "wheel face" spacers to cover the non threaded portion of the axle, so you can fully tighten the nut.