Worlds Fastest Response! Light Weight! High Rigidity!
- Ultra Response Mode (SUR) New Transmitter system 'FH5' sets new record of the Worlds Fastest Response.
- Color Display and Touch Panel are easy to control.
- Lighter weight (about 510g) and higher rigidity than M12S
- Steering and Throttle Position Optimization and Steering Swing Adjust Function
- 'Fine Color Display (480x320)
- Touch Pad is smooth & quick to set
- Steering and Throttle position can be optimized without off set bracket
- Battery recharge port is installed and battery can be checked when recharging
- Compatible with Micro SDHC Card to manage firmware update, model data, and Telemetry Log
- Installed Multi-Setting Function is available to set PGS servos
- Installed tilt carrying handle
- Steering Unit can change position for lefty
- Detachable Strap Hook is placed in ideal position for drivers
- Fully Adjustable Trigger can be fittable for individual
- Installed Screen Reader Function is available to sound Lap Time and Telemetry
- Data and installed headphone jack
- Quick and easy to set model data and other settings by Quick Set Up Wizard